He teaches peace instead of strife.
He teaches forgiveness instead of condemnation, Hope instead of hopelessness.
He gives love unconditionally, He provides a way of escape.
Jesus is generous and never stingy.
He teaches truth and cannot lie.
He is trustworthy and kind, never mean or hateful.
He gives wisdom and understanding. He will guide and shape you.
He gives freely to all who will come.
Jesus calls mankind to Himself.
He teaches a better way; He is a better way.
He is never selfish; He puts others ahead of Himself. (How amazing is that?)
He is never busy; He always has time for everyone.
He will never leave you or forsake you. He will always be there for you.
Jesus teaches us how to live and how to live more abundantly.
He teaches us to abide, to stay by His side, to walk with Him.
He brings fellowship into our lives. We need never be alone again.
He brings us His word and asks us to bring it to others.
He gives us a reason to live that is outside of ourselves.
We become better people because of His touch.
We are more accepting and kind towards all men.
Our differences are now treasured instead of feared because of Him.
Jesus teaches us Kingdom Living, living that is other centered instead of self-centered.
Jesus is the Master of change. He changes hearts. He changes lives.
He offers a way out from the bottom of the pit, from the baseness of this world.
He gives us a brighter day, a river of life, shelter from all storms.
He loves righteousness, justice, and mercy.
He teaches us to follow and to lead with humility.
Jesus teaches us to count the costs, to serve faithfully, and to suffer for His name's sake.
He began teaching the moment He was born that Christmas morn so long ago.
He taught the shepherds to rejoice, the wisemen to seek, Joseph and Mary to trust.
For more than 2000 years He has been teaching the world to walk on water, to expect miracles, to cast our cares upon Him.
And He, the Lord of all creation, teaches us to love with His love which is far superior to our own.
Dear Lord, Let us learn what You have to teach us. Please let us learn it well.
Image courtesy of Photobucket.com.
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